I love fry bread. My mom used to be make scones the same way. She'd pull the dough out of the bread maker, cut it into triangles, throw it in the oil and pour some honey butter over it. It was an addicting snack when I was kid.

I've spent the last week craving donuts, so I knew I needed to do something about it. So...fry bread! I found this fantastic recipe on Beyond the Wheat and although mine look a whole lot different from hers (I wasn't trying for flat bread, I wanted my scone-like snacking food), but they still taste fantastic.

Initial Reactions:

  • The dough was really hard to work with. Ridiculously gooey
  • They taste really good with honey butter

    Stuff to do differently last time:
  • Add less water. The recipe calls for 1/2 a cup and add until the right blend. I added the 1/2 cup of water and it was too much. I think next time I'll start with 1/4 and see where it goes.
  • Actually try to form proper fry bread. If I'm successful enough, I just end up using it for tacos and potentially pita substitutes!